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Show Your Teeth Some Respect

Think about how many times per day you rely on your teeth. You use them to chew breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. You press your tongue against them to make certain sounds when you speak. There's really no doubt about it — your teeth are important, and they deserve your respect. You can pay them that respect by visiting your dentist for regular cleaning and checkup appointments. You should also call at the first sign of dental pain, tooth discoloration, or other oral health changes. Read more about dentists and dentistry here on this blog, where we dive deep into related topics.


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Show Your Teeth Some Respect

    5 Tips To Protect Your Oral Health

    Here are five tips to protect your oral health. Get your teeth cleaned at least once a year. The American Dental Academy recommends that you should have your teeth cleaned at least once a year. If you have risk factors associated with oral diseases such as diabetes or you are a smoker, then you should have your teeth cleaned more frequently. Most dental insurance plans cover two cleanings and exams a year.

    What You Should Know About Dental Crowns If You Need One

    Are you in need of a dental crown but aren't sure what is involved? Here is what you should know about dental crowns. Why Is A Dental Crown Necessary? If you have a problem with a tooth, such as the need for a large filling, it is possible that the outside of the tooth will start to crack soon. Your dentist will want to save the tooth if possible, so they may recommend a dental crown in order to fix it.

    Should You Choose General Anesthesia For Your Dental Implant Procedure?

    Dental implants are a dream come true for many patients who have lost their teeth. Before the advent of dental implants, dentures and dental bridges were the only options for tooth restoration. Dental implants allow oral surgeons to permanently replace patients' missing teeth using titanium rods and ceramic prostheses. Dental implant surgery may be performed with or without general anesthesia. As the patient, you may have a preference one way or the other.

    Why Consider Dental Implants When You Have Most Of Your Teeth?

    Dental implants are beneficial to you in many ways to help you have a more confident smile. When you are not missing all your teeth but you are missing just one or two, you have the option of getting dental implants put in. Having missing teeth is more common than you'd think: among adults aged 35 to 44, 69% have lost one or more teeth already. By age 50, an average of 12 teeth have been lost, although this does include wisdom teeth.

    Questions To Ask Your Dentist At Your Next Check-Up

    Do you have a dental check-up coming up soon? If so, you should write a list of questions to ask him or her during this visit. You only meet with a dentist twice a year, so you should ask all the questions you have during your visits. If you are not sure what to ask, here are some questions that people often ask their dentists during routine check-up visits. What Are Some Ways to Brush More Thoroughly?

    Are Wisdom Teeth Causing You Dental Issues? What To Know

    Most of the time, young adults have to deal with wisdom teeth during the final years of their education, thus the name. Wisdom teeth can also come in early and bother teenagers. Late emerging wisdom teeth can be a surprise for some adults that assumed they would never have any. While wisdom teeth don't always cause dental issues, many times they have to be removed. Read on to find out what you need to know about wisdom teeth.

    How Your Teeth Can Become More Sensitive Over The Years

    Teeth sensitivity often develops over the years based on many different factors. Here are some of those reasons why your teeth can become sensitive. You Change Your Diet Be aware of the foods you are consuming since there are changes you may make in your diet that cause your teeth to become more sensitive. This is especially true if you are eating more foods that are highly acidic, such as fruit juices, soft drinks, and foods that have a lot of sugar in them.

    Can't Get The Results You Want With Tooth Whitening? This May Be Why.

    Teeth whitening can do a lot for many people, but there are some out there who still end up dissatisfied with their appearance after using whitening products. If your teeth seem to still be discolored after whitening, there's likely a reason for it. Here's what you should know and what you can still do about the color of your teeth. Types of Tooth Discoloration There are three common types of tooth discoloration, and the type that you have can chance how successful whitening your teeth is.